Advanced water solutions, ready for hire.

Who we are

We are an Integrated Water-as-a-Service provider based in South Australia developing tailor-made water solutions for your requirements. Our team of experts are ready to handle all your water treatment needs, using their expertise and years of experience in the industry. We offer convenient, cost-effective packages for the best solutions to meet your needs.

Optimised solutions, packaged for your convenience on easy $/KL service packages.

Two team members performing quality checks stainless steel pipe

How can we help?

Our team will provide you with your water solution.

Identifying and implementing robust and reliable solutions takes your time away from the core activities you manage. We work with you to package ideal water supply services for your individual needs and requirements.

Whether you have existing water treatment plants, seek to install new solutions, are looking for an expansion or your water quality requirements have changed, permanent or temporary; we can provide investment backed water supply solutions.

We cater to your industry:

Contact us

Phone: (08) 8310 0069
Mobile: (+61) 424 823 249

Service centre: 4 Oldham Road, Elizabeth South, SA 5112 Australia

Postal Address: PO Box 1042, Elizabeth Vale, SA 5112 Australia

Registered Office: 212 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia